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Saturday, June 17, 2017

Welcome to the Show

Welcome to the "Show", the "Big Leagues", the "Office", or as many have told me since I made the decision to leave the classroom--the "Dark Side!" 

After 16 years of teaching, I begin my journey as an elementary principal in this beautiful building next week. I will walk through these doors and hope to make a difference in the lives of many. I will build relationships with staff, students, and families. I will learn. I will make mistakes. I will grow. And my ultimate hope is to support teachers and students in creating and implementing authentic learning experiences.

Right now...I'm feeling excited, thankful, sad, a little overwhelmed, and scared. I think we are often afraid of the "unknown." Afraid of "failure." Afraid of letting those we care about down. It certainly is an odd feeling going from the "top of your game" to "newbie." We don't ever really know what we don't know. And I couldn't be more grateful to this amazing district for believing in me. Much of this job will be new to me. Truth be told, not all of it excites me. I don't think anyones goes into this career saying "Gee, I can't wait to deal with angry parents!" or "Wow, managing a building budget is super exciting!"

That being said, there are parts of this job that make me giddy inside. I cannot wait to greet kids in the morning. I cannot wait to visit classrooms each and every day, watching the lightbulbs go on, and learning alongside them. I cannot wait to work through authentic learning experiences with amazing staff members--challenging them--pushing them--supporting them on their own learning journeys. I cannot wait to meet parents and hear about the gift that is their child. I cannot wait for school concerts and picnics and recess and lunch and all of the other interactions when I can hear laughter, see smiles, and experience learning memories together. The support I have already received from my new administration has warmed my heart. The kind notes I have already read from my new staff have filled my soul.

But, I know I will make mistakes. It is inevitable. These mistakes will shape me, guide me, and move me forward on my own learning journey. I welcome that personal growth.

So, let the game begin. Welcome to the "Show." Nothing left to do, but to do it! Thanks for following along on this adventure with me.
Ready to Learn,



  1. Congratulations!! This is my first upcoming year as Principal as well!! We will learn together!
